How to use our towels
Here are a few tips so you can get the best performance from this type of towel.
- Pat dry the hair. Press gently on your client’s head. The towel draws moisture out. With long hair, wrap the towel around the length of the hair and squeeze. Envirodry towels work like a chamois. If the towel is saturated, wring it out and continue to use the same towel.
- Wrap your client’s hair in a turban at the basin after pat drying. Place the towel on the nape, lower the client’s head back into the towel. Wrap and stretch one side across the forehead. Maintaining tension repeat on opposite side and tuck into hairline. Twist remaining towel from back to front and tuck securely into hairline.
- Long hair is easily placed in a turban by gathering the length of the hair onto the crown, twisting and tucking the Envirodry Towel. Turban technique is part of the process of drying the hair. More water is absorbed, no drips run down clients nape, and minimal towels are used.
- Turban technique is also effective for treatments if a damp Envirodry Towel is heated up before hand. This can be done in your towel warmer or microwave.
- Remember, DO NOT scrub dry the hair. Pat dry, absorption method is not only more effective, but kinder on the hair. You also don’t want to ruin the great post massage.
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