Envirodry Large Towels for Healthcare, Hygiene & Hopitality - Pack of 10 towels
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150cm x 80cm
Per Bag of 10 towels $20.00 + gst = PER TOWEL PRICE OF $2.00 + gst
*call us for bulk qty pricing
Our large 150cm x 80cm bath towel is and ideal cover for massage tables or beds, as well as being perfect for using after a shower. The extra thickness of our bath towel, and the pearl finish on this product make them super absorbent and excellent for use in Hospitals, Nursing and retirement homes, and General practices. Save water, time and money by replacing some or all of your cotton towels with fresh, 100% hygienic and eco friendly Envirodry Towels.
The towels will breakdown in landfill in 8 - 12 weeks. They decompose in compost and can even be washed and then re-used as rags.